A Conversation for Hawkwind

1999 Tour - Oxford

Post 1

Acid Sorceror

The venue

A smoke filled loft holding around 300 people down the Cowley Road

The gig, general points

Way too much strobe, really got in the way of the show

Guitar very low in the mix, almost in-audible

Lead vocals badly mixed and probably not very good anyhow

Bass player (lead vocalist) still a bit of a t**t, swearing at the audience, somewhat out of his head, breaking bass strings and getting pissed

The gig (musically)

Opened with half and hour of Harvey Bainbridge and a wall of synths and sequencers playing some techno ambient type stuff with the intro 'Let's make some noise'

The rough Hawkwind setlist with comments and stars to indicate rarities

Aerospaceage Inferno [*]
Motorway City [***]
Some new thing called Aniseed
Assault & Battery / Golden Void with long playout for bass guitar re-stringing
Assassins of Allah
Some other new thing (not very good) (rescued by the two strange girlie dancers)
Blue Skin
High Rise [***]
Brainstorm (with Dr. Rizzla at the end)

Right Stuff (with dancers)
Song of the Gremlin

Overall when they played classics they were great, a lot of good audience feedback, gig finished around 11:20

Wish I could be at one of the Nik Turner venues, never mind can't have everything!

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1999 Tour - Oxford

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