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People are often appeciative and at the same time deprecative of my drawings.

Some say,"If you can do that, why are you working here?"

Others ask,"Where did you go to art school?"

Still more ask,"Can you draw realistically?"

I have had it insisted to me, and I have read it online on

career sites that one must learn drawing in an organized

educational facility in order to become a cartoonist.

This is not true.

Often these statements are made by people who believe that

anything can be learned if you take the class or that

anyone good at anything has to have been trained.

Many of these people also make statements like,"I'd like to do that,

but I don't have the stamina to learn."

It only takes fifteen to thirty minutes a day to learn to

draw. Anyone who can hold a pencil or guide a graphics program

can draw. If you can write, you can draw.

The world is filled with people who can draw.

Cartoonists are everywhere.

Syndicates, newspapers, magazines and fanzines are plagued

by cartoonists.

Just because you can draw doesn't mean you can cartoon.

And just because you can cartoon doesn't mean you can

gag think.

There are great gag thinkers who draw fairly badly.

There are great cartoonists who cannot gag think.

Practice and liking what you are doing are the main

requirements for a cartoonist, even if you aren't very good at it.

Trust me, I know.

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