Learn the damn language!

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Learn the damn language!

You can't write or think without having the proper tools.

Knowledge of good writing is essential.

A good writer is a good reader.

You can't learn how to scan a line, how to read a sentence

without learning what a good line is.

Many gag thinkers are always copying down lines that they

read or hear.

This doesn't mean that they actually use them. It just sets

the mind, the ear and the eye up properly so that they are

ready to engage in self-editing.

They listen to song lyrics, read plays, watch movies,

plus reading old comics and panel cartoons.

They study advertisements, company slogans, political campaigns,

and popular culture.

They advertently or inadvertently study grammar, sentence structure,

and syntax.

Puns, word play and Shakespearian, um, stuff, like silly poetry,

and serious poetry are very important.

Believe it or not, panel cartoons are a bit like movies.

Just like comics, they have to be scripted, directed, set dressed,

costume designed, and edited. The script is the most important

part as the drawn characters have to behave in character,

otherwise the single panel, which only has one chance to get

your attention, and has to provide the set-up and the punch line

all at once, will be ineffective.

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