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EF: A87893761 In Praise of the Heroic Theme Song: An Anglo-American TV Adventure

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

A87893761 In Praise of the Heroic Theme Song: An Anglo-American TV Adventure

I was just digging this out for a friend and noticed a broken link.

Could you possibly replace the 'Rat Patrol' link with this one?



EF: A87893761 In Praise of the Heroic Theme Song: An Anglo-American TV Adventure

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Done smiley - ok

EF: A87893761 In Praise of the Heroic Theme Song: An Anglo-American TV Adventure

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thank you! smiley - hug

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EF: A87893761 In Praise of the Heroic Theme Song: An Anglo-American TV Adventure

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