1905 Catholic stuff
Created | Updated Apr 10, 2005
1905 Catholic stuff
Pope Pius X had been in business two years.
In the Encyclical "Acerbo nimis" (15 April, 1905) he treated
of the necessity of catechismal
instruction, not only for children,
but also for adults,
giving detailed rules, especially in relation to
suitable schools for the religious instruction of students
of the
public schools, and even of the universities. He caused a new
catechism to be published for the Diocese of Rome.
The Eucharistic Congress of 1905 was held at Rome
In 1905 Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was appointed secretary to the new Bishop of Bergamo,
Giacomo Maria Radini Tedeschi.
At the death of Pius XII he was elected Pope on 28 October 1958,
taking the name
John XXIII. His pontificate lasted less than
five years.
in 1905, Pope St. Pius X created the The Supreme Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
as the highest Pontifical Order. Since the pontificate of Pope Paul VI
it has been only conferred on Heads of State for extraordinary reasons.
In 1905 Pope St. Pius X (1835-1914) encouraged the frequent reception of Holy Communion.
Since the early middle ages, the "good" Christians went to Communion at most, four times a year.
Ordinary Christians went once a year for their Easter Duty [note the theology expressed in the phrases
"Easter Duty" and "go to" Communion]. Some Christians received once a year; others did not receive
Communion at all. [St. Clare of Assisi, in her Holy Rule of 1250, instructs her sisters to receive
Holy Communion seven times a year! This was exceptionally frequent for her time, nearly twice what good people did!]
In the early 1960's, the 1905 papal directive begins to take effect.
The Church waited about 50 years after the pope said to do it see
if he really meant it; but actually 50 years is not all that long.
Benedict XIV in Certiores effecti (promulgated from Saint Mary
Major in Rome on November 13, 1742) directed that the faithful
nourished by hosts consecrated during the Mass" and not from
previously consecrated hosts
taken from the tabernacle. Today, ove
r 250 years later, many pastors are still waiting to see if he meant it!
"There is no mention made in post-Conciliar liturgical norms
of reservation of the eucharist for distribution at later Masses."
BCL Newsletter XXV (May 1989) p 19 [corrected by rk 10/1002].
In 1905, Pope Pius X asked that all cases of alleged miracles or cures
recorded in Lourdes be analyzed scientifically.
on August 17, 1905, Pope St. Pius X established the Diocese of Oklahoma.
He included the Indian Territory, the Oklahoma Territory and the Panhandle,
all of which today form the state of Oklahoma.
In 1905 Pope Pius X, in response to the petition of the Procurator Genera
l of the Friars Minor, enriched the Franciscan Crown with several new
Indulgences that may be gained by all the faithful.
Those who assist at
a public recitation of the Franciscan Crown participate in all the
Indulgences attached to the Seraphic Rosary that are gained by
the members of the Franciscan Order.
It is required, however, that
beads be used and
that they be blessed by a priest having the proper
faculties. A translation of
the pontifical Brief is given in "St. Anthony's
Almanac" for 1909.