Some useful things to know about DNA sites

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Well, firstly, these pages are created using a simple mark-up language, called GuideML (GML). There's more than one way to learn about Guide ML, but the fast track [smiley - run] is here. If you'd rather have the drier but more comprehensive low-down, the full *official* [smiley - wow] guide to GML is also very useful when you are an absolute beginner or if you need to find the answer to a specific question.

To try out the quick fix, just click here for the GuideML code for this space. Identify the element you want to pinch, copy it, then go edit your own personal space and just paste in what you copied. There's no copyright on PS stuff! [smiley - thief]

If it's an h2g2 entry that you're creating, GuidePost is a handy MS-style programme that makes everything point'n'click simple, generously provided by h2g2's own MaW.

In conversations, smileys are very useful, and fun, smiley - ok. In some skins there are a few easily available point 'n' click smileys immediately available - nice and easy! But if you see a smiley in someone elses post, and think, 'Hey, that's a smiley - cool smiley, how do i get to use that?', just click on the smiley itself to go to the main Smiley page with a full list and many text shortcuts that are very handy in threads. Unfortunately, you can't try it out here, cos it only works in conversation threads. smiley - sadface

Finally, I once learnt something useful about using coloured fonts; a helpful girl called Ben pointed out how bad some text colours can look in different skins, and when I saw how totally illegible my page1 was in Alabaster, I changed it accordingly.

smiley - cheers ahgcBen!

1which had looked so snappy in Goo

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