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Kat - From H2G2 Started conversation Apr 13, 2005
I just thought I would make a comment here, because I always wonder whether anyone reads the things I write about so I figured it would be a good idea to let people know when I read their articles.
This is the first time I've read one of these sciences articles and now I have, I'm glad. Not only was it really interesting, there was just enough information to make me wonder and want to find out more about what's going on. It also didn't confuse me (an easy thing to accomplish usually). So well done on the writing style as well as the info. I'll definitely be reading this each time from now on.
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Researcher U1025853 Posted Apr 13, 2005
Hi Kat
that is high praise indeed! Thank you so much for saying that. I always wanted to explain without getting bogged down in too much detail, its fantastic to know that I am getting there. The column gets longer every week though, I shall have to be stricter about trying to cover every science story there is!
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