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More stuff and things that won't be on the test...

unless you are going to a really good school with a really bad teacher...

1905 Morocco Crisis

the Great Wall Street Scandal of 1905

The American Thoracic Society, founded in 1905

M. H. Berlyn Co Ltd which was established in 1905

RC Cola 1905
(That's not exactly true, because RC Cola didn't come about in name
or formula til around 1934. It was the predecessor Royal Crown
Chero-Cola, which had a different formula, that the 1905 date refers to.)

The Coleman company was started in 1905 by W.C. Coleman as the
Hydro-Carbon Light Company, initially producing lamps.

first production recumbent bicycle with underseat steering

Red Wing Shoes 1905

Tatars massacred Armenians in several towns and cities in 1905

In 1905, while he was editor of Recreation magazine, Daniel Beard started the Sons of Daniel Boone,
a predecessor to the Boy Scouts of America.

Adolphe-William Bouguereau (1825-1905) French painter

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