How To Make An Emerald Star Cocktail

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When moving house from one country to another, one of the processes that may be undertaken is to clear out the drinks cupboard of all those strange bottles which seem to accumulate there. One of the time-honoured ways of doing this is to hold a "cocktail evening" whereby new combinations of alcohol are tried and tested. These usually turn out to taste disgusting. However, on such a recent occasion, this researcher came up with the following concoction, which tasted more than acceptable.

Why Emerald Star?

This name was conferred upon the cocktail as the combination of ingredients give it a deep green colour; one of the researchers who tested the cocktail is from Ireland; and the word "Star" occurs in that researcher's nickname.

The Emerald Star Cocktail

  • 1 measure Gin
  • 1 measure Blue Curacao
  • 1 measure Cointreau
  • 1/2 measure lemon juice
  • Dash of Angostura Bitters

Combine the ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker, and shake together.

Serve in Martini glasses, with a plastic monkey hanging on the side.

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