A Conversation for Small Screen Surfin'

Heh heh heh

Post 81

Secretly Not Here Any More

See what I mean! I'm half expecting Christopher Eccleston to turn up playing a morose/manic bin man.

Heh heh heh

Post 82


Hum, well, it seems like everyone else will be there (possibly excepting Clyde Langer and the Jackson family).

Hurrah! (Or maybe not from your point-of-view.) The new issue of Bad Wolf has a Rusty interview where he says it's not just a tiny Torchwood cameo, everyone gets loads of proper stuff to do! Stand by your swearbox.

Heh heh heh

Post 83

Secretly Not Here Any More

I hope proper stuff involves "being exterminated", "holding someone's coat" or "being very, very quiet."

Still, I'll judge it after I've seen it, and not before! Clip on the BBC Doctor Who site looks interesting, to say the least.

Heh heh heh

Post 84



Well, that was... anyway - do you think they're genuinely going to regenerate him, or is Rusty just bluffing and Tennant'll be back by the end of the episode (even assuming it's not him all the way through)?

Heh heh heh

Post 85

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'm not sure. We had his "daughter" half regenerating this year, so maybe he'll do one of them?

I just hope that if something's going to save "cardboard cut-out Welsh female" and "man lifted from a building society advert" over at Torchwood, it's a dimension-hopping Mickey Smith. If it's not, and they take out a Dalek with a combination of bad acting and shouting wildly while holding a machine gun, I'll be gutted.

Heh heh heh

Post 86


Hmmm. I think you're being a *leetle* harsh on Team Torchwood - Ianto finally developed a personality in series 2 - but what a long way we've come if people are actually hoping for Mickey to turn up!

'Half-regeneration' - ugh cobblers! I never understood what was going on there in the first place to be honest.

Though there is the school of thought which says that most Time Lords can control their regenerations to some degree and thus choose sort-of what they look like (it's just that the Doctor is a bit rubbish at it compared to most of them).

Heh heh heh

Post 87

Secretly Not Here Any More

I think what happened was, they need another spin-off with a recognisable character - so killing her off or having her regenerate properly wouldn't do. But that could just be my innate cynicism.

I've heard disconcerting rumours about just how this regeneration ends up. If it's true, then it's an awful, awful idea for a storyline.

Heh heh heh

Post 88


I understand what happened was that Rusty told the Moff about the story and the Moff said 'Don't kill her off, everybody will be expecting you to do that' - not sure what the virtue of a Jenny spin-off would be.

Well, I can't see them killing off Tennant without a bigger send-off. There's a rumour going around he turns back into Sylvester McCoy, but I can't believe they'd do that... I hope I'm wrong but I suspect it's a cheat and that it'll be Tennant at the controls of the TARDIS come 7.45 on Saturday.

Always assuming the TARDIS doesn't go pop...

Heh heh heh

Post 89

Secretly Not Here Any More

Pop as in Eurovision, or pop as in a small explosion?

Heh heh heh

Post 90


Pop as in 'fixing the TARDIS'll be the running story in next year's specials, then'.

Heh heh heh

Post 91

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's a reason not to leave Cardiff, I suppose.

Heh heh heh

Post 92


Insert lazy anti-Welsh gag here...

Heh heh heh

Post 93

Secretly Not Here Any More

Glad you did that, just so I don't have to.

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