A Conversation for Talking Point - How Do You Spot a Liar?

lying buggers

Post 1


I think some people lie so much, that they believe that what they're saying is true. And they lie about mundane things that don't even matter, like whether they flushed the toilet or not, when you know its them that didn't do it.

lying buggers

Post 2

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

What brought this on, lmlsmiley - erm - just someone not flushing the loosmiley - erm

lying buggers

Post 3


just frustrated with people who lie about mundane things, BA. Why lie, unless there's something in it for you? And if you didn't flush the loo, and someone says.. who didnt flush the loo, just say..oh..it was me.. i'll try to remember next time. lol..

lying buggers

Post 4


I think people just get caught up in lying. They start one lie, then when someone picks a hole in it, they panic and use another lie to cover themselves. Eventually that spirals out of control into a situation where they longer know if they are telling the truth or not.

lying buggers

Post 5


i dont have a good enough memory to be a very good liar.

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