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Howard Robard Hughes, Jr., born December 24, 1905, in Houston, Texas.

Gustave Klimt painted something.

Alice Guy Blaché, supposedly the first female filmmaker in the woild

(actually the first film director of any gender),

created a short adaptation of Victor whatshisface's "Hunchback of

Notre Dame" called "La Esmeralda" for France's Gaumont

company at what was then the largest movie studio in the world,

La Villette.

In 1905 the first pair of Galos football boots were hand made.

The first successful corneal transplant was performed using the

eyes of an eleven year old boy on a day laborer who had been

blinded while slaking lime. Dr. Eduard Zirm, the Chief of Medicine of

the hospital in Olomouc (now in Moravia in the Czech Republic)

and a graduate of the Vienna Medical School, peformed the procedure.

The patient retained his sight for the rest of his life.

Micheal Tippett was born in 1905
Michael Powell was born in Canterbury in 1905
Anthony Powell was born in Westminster in 1905
Jean-Pierre Guerlain was born in 1905
Max Schmeling was born in 1905
Ida Carroll was born in 1905
Osvaldo Pugliese was born in 1905
Percy Humphrey was born in 1905
Sydney Lipton was born in 1905
Richard Nicholson was born in 1905
Jules Verne died in 1905
Lester Dent was born in 1905
Mary Renault was born in 1905
Jean Paul Sartre was born in 1905
Anton Chekhov was dead in 1905
Guy Boothby was dead in 1905
George MacDonald was dead in 1905

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