Politics Today; as I see it.

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I have a problem. I am constantly dissapointed with something in the world. Or other! There always seems to be some poor person suffering by the hands of their own ineptitude, or of some policital environment, or being swayed by the ineptitude of another person/company/political system/popular music company. There's stife in the world as we know it, and no amount of denyal can cause any type of good effect on those people's lives.

Music was once about "soothing the soul", or to put it in modern terms, music was once about entertaining people. The same way that political parties were once about taking the resources offered by an entire country of people, and managing them for the 'common good'. That becomes a difficult task once you have multitudes of millions of people in your country. It used to be a common saying that 'many hands make light work', but that doesn't seem to be the case these days. Rather, many hands make work slow and expensive, and that to really economise and efficientise we need to employ some machines to do our earning for us. Maybe I am mad. Maybe I talk too much. But this is how I feel. I want to simplify the world. Maybe "simple" doesn't mean "dumb" to smart people! Maybe that's a famous quote? If it's not, then hello, I'm Ian Stolz!

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