Bruno, Giordano.

3 Conversations

The Early Years

Filippo Bruno was born at Nola in Southern Italy, in 1548. He took the name Giordano when entering a Dominican Monastery in Naples, in 1565. Whilst there, he studied philosophy, theology and science. He developed unorthodox views on some Catholic teachings, was suspected of heresy and had to flee monastic life in 1576.

His Beliefs

With a love of knowledge and a hatred of ignorance, he became a rebel unwilling to accept traditional authority. The price he paid for his beliefs was persecution and condemnation in many countries, and ultimately, cost him his life.

Giordano attempted to deal with the implications of the Copernican universe. He believed that all the stars in the sky were actually suns like our own; each of them having their own planets, possibly supporting life.

Although Giordano was not officially credited with any scientific discoveries, his ideas had much influence upon later scientists and philosophers.


Having sought refuge in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1579, he fled to Toulouse after he critisized a Genevan professor. He spent two years in Toulouse, earning a Master's Degree and lecturing on Aristotle. In Paris, from 1581-2, he published his first set of writings, a new method for memory training and commenting on the logical system of Raymond Lully.

Giordano spent the next two years in England, where he became friendly with prominent Englishmen, and he publicly praised Queen Elizabeth I.

Giordano's writings

His best works were published in 1583. "On the Infinite Universe and Worlds", described as "the universe is infinite, composed of many worlds and animated by common life and common cause".

In 1591 he wrote a poem, "De Immenso {On the Immense}, in which he examined what is infinitely small and infinitely great in the universe.


On the invitation of a Venetian nobleman, Giordano went to Venice. Here he was betrayed to the Catholic Inquisition.

His death and legacy

After a trial for heresy and a lengthy confinement, on February 17th, 1600, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome, Italy, after consistently refusing to recant his beliefs. This happened in a place that is known today as "Campo dei Fiori" (e.g. "Field, place of flowers"). A statue of Giordano Bruno is still visible there. Today this is one of the most crowded and best known places in Rome, which causes discomfort for those who live there. Giordano Bruno is still a thorn in the flesh of the Roman Establishment! Campo dei Fiori is the only major place in Rome without any church or noble palace. (How very appropriate for "Bruno's place"}.

Referenced Researcher Jeremy FS JBB

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