A Conversation for The Scottish h2g2 gathering - August 5th 2000

Childrens' Television Update.....

Post 1

Underground Caroline

If anyone was involved in the 'What was the name of the frog in Bod' conversation last weekend - I am reliably infomed by my friend Sharon (the source of all truly useful information) that it was:

' Alfredo the Frog and His Amazing Animal Band'

Great - now I can get to sleep.
smiley - smiley

Childrens' Television Update.....

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Sleep you want sleep, came to the wrong place darling, but thanks for the info.

Childrens' Television Update.....

Post 3

Fashion Cat

oh... and it was Heathcliff... well for some reason i was trying to remember it on Saturday night.... smiley - bigeyes

Childrens' Television Update.....

Post 4

Underground Caroline

Maybe Sharon was wrong then. Think you might be right, 'cos Heathcliff rings more of a bell in the frog-related area of my brain.
smiley - smiley

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