Tiger Tiger on Haymarket, London

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Tiger Tiger is a nightclub on Haymarket in London, in between Leicester Square and Picadilly Circus. It's one of my favourite clubs for many reasons, which is why I want to tell people about it.

First off, they do have a restaurant. The food is very reasonably priced (main courses around £7) and good. It's also a good way to get into the club.

The club itself is over 25's, and the dress code is smart - collars for the boys, no trainers for anyone. Entry is free on weeknights, around £8 on weekends. Closing time is around 4.00 am.

The club itself consists of several different areas. On the ground floor there are two bars, a dancefloor, and the entrance. There are two (unconnected) lower-ground floors. One of these contains a cloakroom and a cash machine (I think it's Midland) and the other is a dark, sweaty house basement with banging music and two more bars in it.

At the back end of the club on the ground floor, next to the entrance to the house basement, there are some stairs going up. These lead to the delightful chill-out room, containing a bar (spot the pattern?) and lots of little groups of sofas clustered around coffee tables. The music in here is quieter, and the atmosphere less frantic than elsewhere.

The chill-out room sits about halfway between the ground and first floors. On the first floor, there are another two bars, as well as a cocktail bar.

The club is large, and good fun. There are a few tricks that I have learned, though. Firstly, the cocktail bar will only serve a drink with three or less shots in it. If you want more, order two and they will let you pour them both into one glass. They are not allowed to do it themselves.

Also, the beers are about 3 pounds, and spirit + mixers are all over 4 pounds, so, in my humble opinion, it's best to drink the house champagne. At 24 pounds a bottle you're only paying four pounds a glass, and it's surprisingly good.

Most importantly, have a great time, and drink like a ><>.

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