A Conversation for Attilio's italian restaurant in Farringdon, London EC1

It has gone downhill recently ..

Post 1


We used to love coming to this unassuming, busy, atmospheric and charming little restaurant and thought it good value for money.

Recently we have been disapointed enough times to decide we shall not be coming back.

- Manager with the beard has become arrogant on a few recent occasions. He is just interested in gettin people in and out ASAP for his wallet's sake
- we asked for a dry white (did not see Pinot Grigio on the Wine list) recommendation from him and said if he had anything similar to Sauvignon Blanc and he retorted " we don't sell japanese wine here" obviously incensed for some reason beyond my reasoning. By the way, he does have French wines on the winelist, so not sure what the issue is.
- the food is no longer a good buy our opinion
- the last visit was last night which yielded an obviously smelly fish (Sea Bass) which when we showed it to them, they took it away with no question as it stank!
- Th Rissotto looked like porridge. The steaks were ok , but i would pay £10 for that type of quality of dish whereas they were charging £15.95.

When it came to the bill, they charged us 3 coffees when we had only 2 and when we corrected them, they did not apologise for making the mistake or apologise for the smelly fish which might have given us very bad food poisening. Nor did they offer any discount.

I was so disapointed.

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It has gone downhill recently ..

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