World Peace: Fumbling toward a shadow of a dream

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World Peace: Fumbling toward a shadow of a dream

It is part of the monumental arrogance of white people in certain parts of the globe that two major conflicts during the last century are known as a "World War", with dates and locations of beginnings and endings involving mostly "Western" criteria.

World War one actually began in 1848 and WWII actually began in 1905.

It just took uninquiring minds a long time to realize that anything

they needed to pay attention to was actually going on.

It is also part of the arrogance of WPICPOTG to assume that

their "peace" is significant, while the "unrest" in non-white

parts of the globe is negligible.

While the Japanese Empire was goofing around in Manchuria and

pretty much doing what it pleased along the Pacific Rim for

almost thirty years before the beginnings of "WWII", the

WPICPOTG didn't really care until it began to mess with colonies

and ports that had "white" populations in them.

Naval "disarmament" treaties signed after the Japanese Navy pretty much

kicked the stuffing out of the Imperial Russian fleet led to

"tonnage" agreements between the Japanese, the Americans, the

British, and the French.

I don't remember how Germany fit in or whether anyone bothered

to talk to Spain.

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