A Conversation for h2g2 Mobile Information Centre
orac60 Started conversation May 30, 2005
Having read the previous posting re. backwards capability with WAP, can I register an interest in making H2G2 AvantGo compatible?
Much as I'd like to join the 3G 'revolution', I'm still working with a (new) remote pda that isn't a phone (i've got a phone for that sort of thing).
Making H2G2 compatible with AvantGo would, I feel, be more in the spirit of the original 'Guide' - I would love to be able to log-on each morning and update before charging into the daily commute. I already do this with News and Sport from BBC, so - any plans to put H2G2 into this realm (unless I'm missing a trick in how to do it!)?.
Keep up the good work - thanks for all the fish so far.
Researcher 194064 Posted Jun 28, 2005
I agree having an AvantGo Channel would be great. I currently have a custom channel for it but because of the size limitations on the pages that the moble version has I only can get a few articles. It would be great if you could have the new articles and then a random one and you could search for some and make a check for later. That would be great
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Jun 29, 2005
I've never been able to get AvantGo working on my (very out-of-date) PDA, so I'd be interested to see what would come of this. I'll escalate this to the Mobile team.
VecchioJohn Posted Sep 9, 2005
Avantgo support for H2G2 - Liet's idea for news + random - would be great ! I download BBC and Guardian news to my PDA (Treo) and read it while commuting. I wouldn't use the mobile browser facility to access H2G2 (or others) - too slow and expensive compared with online broadband refresh. Keep up the good work, DNA was a genius .. Regards ..
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