A Conversation for h2g2 Mobile Information Centre
Do it; it's worth the effort!
Alfredo Started conversation Dec 11, 2005
Well, I - born Amsterdam 1951 - joined in at sept. 2001 and I have never been disappointed, while I can be very critical...
I felt welcome and got help from others.
A real friendly atmosphere here at H2G2 .A site, half absurd, half non fiction = entirely enjoyable.
You won't be disappointed, unless you expect to chatt a lot, because that's not such a priority at h2g2.
Feel free to join and write your own day to day journal, as I do for some years now.
All that yóu think and feel is important, because it's a part of you!
Wélcome at h2g2,
Greetings from Amsterdam,
Do it; it's worth the effort!
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Feb 8, 2006
You need to be using what's known as a 3G phone, so in general if your phone has a black and white screen and can't get anything other than crude text-based internet access, it probably won't be able to access the service.
Do it; it's worth the effort!
Angel_Annett Posted Mar 12, 2006
my mobile phone is 3g and it video phone and has internet conection port it ok now i use this site on psp u need get a wiffi for it
Do it; it's worth the effort!
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Mar 16, 2006
Wow - how does it work on PSP? I didn't know the PSP had a browser.
Do it; it's worth the effort!
Angel_Annett Posted Mar 20, 2006
hello jim u need to buy a wiffi to get on any bbc site with a PSP yes it can access all kinds of browser. its realy
an the screen bigger than a 3g mobile.
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Do it; it's worth the effort!
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