A Conversation for Danes and Denmark

it ain't all false, but only seen from one side of view.

Post 1


A rather negative view of danes... there are nice sides of danes too, but I will not start talking about those (I only have one life, and there's better things to do...).

One point is though very wrong! The Vikings wasn't only danes (back then denmark was also ½ of Sweeden and more), and they wasn't only going out killing and raping, their succes came from trading and their long boats which they mastered well (they discovered America one too (before Columbus)). They didn't got horns in their helms eather, eventrough most people got that impression.

btw, there's a lot of danes who don't want to stop the EU train, they just don't want to jump on to it.

it ain't all false, but only seen from one side of view.

Post 2

Researcher 218138

thanks! Nice to see

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it ain't all false, but only seen from one side of view.

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