A Conversation for h2g2 London Summer Meet 2005 - Sat 16 July!

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Well? smiley - winkeye

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Yes. smiley - tongueout of course.... were you to name your new smiley - fish as I suggested then I might be persuded smiley - winkeye Not sure if we were going to have a quizz; I don't think there are any H2G2 merchandise we can give for prizes which kind of detracts from the thing, and there isn't a mic or anything we can use in the pub smiley - erm

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

We have a mic but no PA system. RF's quiz last year was good and he didn't use a mic!

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

So what sort of quizz were you thinking of doing? The 'traditional' heres a bunch of questions about stuff to do with H2G2 and other stuff. Or a more origional type quizz as excemplified thus far by RF with the music song intros?

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I just thought... how would you be able to read the quizz out? By the time of the evening we normally do it... how should we say... yourself and EV have normally consussmed a goodly about of booze smiley - winkeye

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

We were thinking about the same sort of quiz Freddy did. Only harder. smiley - evilgrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

And I have a loud voice smiley - evilgrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Especially after a few hours' drinking. smiley - biggrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 9

Zak T Duck

smiley - laugh

Prizes are simple enough. You could make it a cash prize, such as a £5 Scottish note. Mmmm Monopoly money smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 10

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Or a £1 note signed by me and EV smiley - biggrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 11

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Or a signed photo of me. smiley - biggrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

or a goldfish called '2legs' smiley - winkeye

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 13

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)


I tell you what, we're doing the quiz now and even I don't know half the answers. smiley - huh

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 14

fords - number 1 all over heaven

We've finished the quiz and I know all the answers smiley - biggrin

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 15

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Yes, but are they correct? smiley - tongueout

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 16

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Depends smiley - bigeyes

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 17

Zak T Duck

Yes but as you're doing the quiz it's only fair you can't enter it.

What is the bidding for the answers starting at, and while we're at it what is the bidding for the correct answers starting at smiley - winkeye

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 18

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - yikes I hope nobody is thinking of resorting to underhand methods in a shameless attempt to make themselves look intelligent and fashionable.

smiley - empty *cough*

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 19

Zak T Duck

smiley - ale?

Anyone object to EV and I doing the quiz?

Post 20

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, that's very kind, don't mind if I do! smiley - biggrin

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