A Conversation for Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 1

The Apprentice

There has truly, honestly never been a better time, than now, for people who appreciate cosmetic products in the shape of small animals. In this modern day and age the market is flooded with them. Go on... have a look.

But few can lay claim to the title 'King of Cosmetic-based Animal-shaped Stuff'... except, obviously, the Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap. Read this entry and weep, and maybe, just maybe, you might get one of your own for Christmas!


A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 2

Peter aka Krans

Is this true?!?!?!? 8-0

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 3

Pokl Ping

Yes. I have one on my desk at work. I've had it a while, so it's beginning to develop some severe bald spots and some of the hair has begun to intertwine and get sort of icky and tangled. I am seriously considering the final act of dissection to see if the plastic mouse really does exist. Oh, the excitement of being at work!!

I thoroughly recommend a soap cat to everyone.

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 4

The Apprentice

Yes, it does tend to do that a couple of months down the line. The hair just gives up the ghost and either dies completely or looks like a poorly made toupee.

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Bravo! Is there a mail order source for people, like me, who might be considering taking up washing, but who live in obscure and isolated places?smiley - winkeye


A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 6

The Apprentice

Ah, alas I purchased my soap from a more specialised source (due to unusual personal requirements) so I have no knowledge as to whether a mail order option is currently available. We can only hope that they run a little 'factory shop' where you can pick this stuff up - soap cats, bath gel gerbils, shrew-shaped shower gel dispensers, etc.

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Oh well, perhaps the world-wide demand for soap cats generated by your Entry will rectify that.smiley - smiley


A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 8

The Apprentice

Tell the world that they can come and see it here. Yes, indeed. I know that if the entry is made official the current picture would be lost, but I just had to prove that this thing exists outside of my imagination (and office desk space).

Admittedly this is a little while back. The hair is not looking so good any more - and there are actually cocktail sticks pushed into the base so that people could pick it up and handle it without actually touching the surface - and therefore destroying yet more hair!

Invite your friends over to see - the pet-shaped soap revolution is coming!

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 9

The Apprentice

By way of a real time update of my own Soap Cat, it's just undergoing a journey to a new area of the office in a big, red crate - so I have considerable concerns that it may well return to it's bald state in the not to far future.

Please support Soap Cats and read this entry!

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 10

Xedni Deknil

WOW! But how does it work? Is it magic? Will we all be prostating ourselves and singing hymns before forty-foot Soap Cats before the year is over? I hope so.

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 11

The Apprentice

I would absolutely love to be able to say that this was some kind of inexplicable enchantment or that the cat is imbued with a strange folical based form of necromancy... but, alas, I cannot.

Though I have no confirmed information on the nature of the phenomenon it must be summised that it is something to do with the composition of the outerlayer of soap and that, when exposed to air, this layer reacts in some fashion - possibly through harmless bacteria or something - to create the hairiness.

Only time and serious experimentation may tell.

Or perhaps a polite letter to the manufacturers...?

A372746 - Amazing Hair-Growing Cat Soap

Post 12

h2g2 auto-messages

This thread has been moved out of Peer Review, because it's already an Edited Entry.

smiley - smiley

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