The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Nov 29, 2011

The Reluctant Phoenix
There is a day in the life of a phoenix,
A day to reach and end.
A day to put a stop to tricks and leave every friend.
I know it is not death I face,
But rejuvenation in its place.
Still the price is just too high -
Forget my friends, my past, my all.
Must I submit to the siren's call?
But I am old, my wings they tire.
And I will die without the pyre.
Still I hate to enter the fire,
And forget the things I know.
Yet I must go - I go.
The Phoenix, young and strong and brave
Rises from his fiery grave.
The past forgotten, the present his all;
The future looms before him.
He rises to the call!
For centuries he'll go forward.
He would not pause nor wait.
He is a young and mighty bird.
Only the old would hesitate.