The train story

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This is one of those stories you are assured that is true, told by a friend, son's, friend's sister. You can make your own judgement.

Casey was coming home on the train late one evening from her job in the city. She never liked leaving work late as there are fewer people on the trains at that time and a high proportion of those were scary. So, after scanning the carriages of her train as it pulls up to the platform, she selects one that has three girls already in it. Safety in numbers, she though and settles down in a seat facing the three girls.

The girls were obviously friends, young and approximately the same age. They sat all together on a long seat that faced down the carriage at Casey. Two of the girls looked normal, looking out the window or out into space, but the girl in the middle was decidedly odd. She stared at Casey with a emotionless look that made Casey feel like dirty and she self consciously played with her hair. She tried to ignore this girl's stare, but the girl's look did not change and Casey found herself feeling more and more disconcerted. Maybe she was high or drunk or something...the thought didn't comfort.

The ticket inspector came through the carriage. He checked the tickets of the three girls first before heading over to Casey. Casey dutifully handed over her ticket, a weekly she dutifully purchased every Monday.
"No, sorry this ticket is not vaild." Said the Inspector, " You will have to leave the train at the next station."
"Yes, it is. " She replied politely pointed to the date. She didn't want to get off at the next station, at this time of night it would be deserted and there was no way she was going to sit on an empty station for another train to arrive.
"I'm afraid it's for another line, you will have to leave, I'm sorry." And with that he left squashing any argument Casey wanted to make.

She couldn't believe it, first she has to stay back at work then she sits opposite High-and-not-on-life woman and now a ticket inspector that can't or won't read her ticket correctly.

And still the girl stared at Casey as her friend's look innocently out the window.

As promised, as the train stops at it's next station, an abandoned platform in the middle of suburbia, the Inspector comes back.

"Please leave the train with me now." He says in a business like manner. Casey grabs her bag tightly to her. She may be in a carriage with zombie woman but there was no way she was going onto an abandoned station, especially with a strange man who refused to accept her valid ticket.

"No!" She replied and without another word the Ticket Inspector picked Casey up and slung her slight frame over his shoulder. Kicking and screaming, Casey was carried up the stairs and onto the platform where she is unceremoneously dumped.

Landing on her feet, Casey notices the station is not as empty as it first seemed. A large security guard talking rapidly on his radio walks up to the Ticket Inspector.

"Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you." The ticket inspector said as he watches the train pull away from the platform, the three girls now the only one's on board.

"What's going on here?!" Casey demanded, nerves shaking her voice.
"You're not in trouble, but we needed you off that train."
"The police are picking up the girls at the next station." Said the security guard said pulling his ear away from the radio.

"What did they do?" Casey stared in disbelief at the back of the diappearing train.
"The girl in the middle," The Ticket Inspector replied, " she was dead."

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