A Conversation for Twins


Post 1

Researcher 193040

Being a twin I am very interested in the Twins research. I read with interest the section on the website about left-handed twins. I, myself am right-handed as is my brother, however, I do remember that my brother held a pencil/pen very awkwardly in his right hand and never looked comfortable - his poor writing was proof of this. At age 5 I remember teachers forcing him to write with his right hand.
We were one of four sets of twins in our class and of the male/female twins all the girls had been born first - proof perhaps that females are stronger. My brother was very quiet and I was the more dominant twin - they separated us after a few weeks at school to force him to be less reliant on me. Other family members have commented on our nervous energy and I have often felt that our shared nine months in the womb meant we were on the move a lot to find space.
We are now 45 years old and I live in England and he lives in Australia so have little contact other than by phone but I wonder sometimes about telepathy - we do seem to sense when each other have worries and are very protective still after all these years

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