Electron Reality

1 Conversation

I'm prepared to consider electrons or photons as tightly packed wave packets but I find some of the exotic explanations a little far fetched that the electron 'looks and then makes up its mind' etc.

De Broglie was surely right that all matter is made up of waves and it's only in the micro region that the wavelength is big enough due to minute mass for the waves to be seen.

I also have trouble with probability waves which can be treated like physical entities.

I wish that somebody would give me a better explanation on the 2 hole experiment than "parallel worlds" where the electron exists and comes back to interfere with itself, or that it's a probability wave on one side of the screen with the holes but it causes real interference on the other side provided we don't look at it coming through.

Admittedly I don't know what I am talking about but I am beginning to think that scientists don't really know either, and are resorting to way out speculation about there 'being no universe till we look' and that 'the observer defines reality' which are more in the sphere of psychology if not science fiction. Not long ago they poo hooed religion on belief, but now they are adopting similar subjective arguments.

I have read a few books and as a result I am more confused.

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