Buying Computers

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It has been noted that more and more people are using the internet and as a result are buying more and more computers. The aim of this article is to provide an insider's guide to the tricks, tips and pitfalls of buying a new PC.

Firstly, what to look for:
Looks are very important when buying a new computer. Does it match your colour-scheme? Will it clash with the curtains? Does it look expensive/sexy/like a small, desktop fridge?

Next in importance is how big the numbers are. The bigger the better. 10Gb hard disk drive, 128Mb Ram, 800Mhz Pentium III is OK, but 10 million kilobyte hard disk drive, 128 thousand kilobyte random access memory, 800 thousand kilohertz Intel Pentium III processor sounds a lot better. Big numbers are important. Even if you don't need it.

Go cheap. Think of it like transport. Why spend all your money on a car when it is quite possible to cycle the 50 miles to work every day? Likewise, why spend money on a decent computer when a cheap one will do? It might take longer to do anything, be less stable, and a lot harder to get going, but it will save you money.

Secondly, understand the sales information:
'Budget system' - most parts are already discontinued
'Intel inside' - just like all the others we sell
'Internet ready' - contains a cheap modem
'£1000 worth of software' - ...5 years ago, ignoring the fact that it costs £50 when bought together
'Integrated sound/video card' - cheap, nasty, slow, won't run half your software
'3 year warranty' - but you have to post it back in its original box
'Pre-installed software' - no disks or manuals
'On-line manual' - learn how to use your new PC by using your new PC
'Free printer' - ...with ink cartridges that cost twice as much as any other and need replacing every 5 pages
'Free lifetime technical support' - ...if you can get through
'Managers Special' - can't get rid of this for love or money

...and the sales staff:
'I'll get it all set up for you' - it's ex-display, so it'll give me an excuse for why it's out of the box
'We don't charge for delivery' -'s already included in the price of the machine
'We'll deliver it in a week' - ...or four
'Its ideal for a new user' - (mug)
'We can offer finance' - ...and make a massive profit, give me a fantastic bonus and please the boss

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