A Conversation for Deleted with Conversations

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

This posting posted from Alabaster.

A471557 TEST A659892 TEST A715637 TEST A882876 TEST A918434A1011853A1029313

A1119386 TEST A1136233 TEST A1170479 TEST A2116577A2150399 TEST A2082863 TEST A2385597A2315963 TEST A2903816 TEST A2927360 TEST 327103

TEST A4044773
TEST A4187469
TEST A21719928
TEST A23005351
TEST A22548369
TEST A29385282
TEST A30081737
TEST A32015611
TEST A44922413
TEST A47800217
TEST A51822902
TEST A79169782
TEST A86205413
TEST A87719999

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

In alabaster, all the A numbers are displayed as links. The ones with spaces between them and nothing else are displayed with no spaces between them.

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Looking at Posting 1 in Pliny, the A numbers which appear at the start of lines are not displayed as links. All the other A numbers are correctly converted to links. Again, if there are two links with only a space between them, the space is not displayed (due to the "space between two HTML tags" bug).

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

This posting was posted in Pliny.

A471557 TEST A659892 TEST A715637 TEST A882876 TEST A918434A1011853A1029313

A1119386 TEST A1136233 TEST A1170479 TEST A2116577A2150399 TEST A2082863 TEST A2385597A2315963 TEST A2903816 TEST A2927360 TEST 327103

TEST A4044773
TEST A4187469
TEST A21719928
TEST A23005351
TEST A22548369
TEST A29385282
TEST A30081737
TEST A32015611
TEST A44922413
TEST A47800217
TEST A51822902
TEST A79169782
TEST A86205413
TEST A87719999

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Posting 4 is displayed in Pliny just the same as posting 1. So it doesn't seem to matter whether the posting was made in Alabaster or Pliny. The only important thing is where it is displayed, and even then, the only thing affected is A numbers at the starts of lines.

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

How about invalid A numbers? A12345 is an A followed by five digits, but it is not the number of an entry as it has an invalid checksum.

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

Alabaster displays it as plain text. It doesn't show it as a link.

Pliny shows it as a link, but since there is no such entry (and can't be), the link leads to a page not found message.

Testing of Links in Conversations

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on


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