When was the last time a child started a war?

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When was the last time a child started a war?

Now, I know that if I rummage in history enough, I might find a child king or queen who was the figurehead when a regent or a dowager decided to annihilate the opposition. But I don't think that is the same thing.

Children have to learn about


from adolts.

Adolts have curious cultural

collisions with reality,

never realising that

if they avoided


the traditional mistakes

then they,

and their children,

would be a lot happier.

Yet, it seems that it is

"childish" adolts

who want to kill

each other.

They want to use

their lethal toys

and they want to

play games

with their lives

and other people's.

The collateral damage

is that in order to stop a war

sometimes you have to start one.

Or, in order to preempt


you have to use your freedom

as a bludgeon.

Children don't start wars,

I guess,

because adolts are too busy

doing it

to give them a chance.

It is a kind of slavery

to my mind

to blow up schools

and mutilate children


then turn around and

talk about health and education

for children,

all without the adolts involved

realising that they have

stolen everything they could

from themselves.

So they stand,


their words and their hearts


And all the children want

to do is play.

But the adolts are too

busy playing

so the children wait and wait and wait... until they are adolts.

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