Page 1 Newcomers 2nd June 00

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Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who really started living from the week Starting
2nd June 2000
. Mark Moxon has promised that all those listed here have activated their pages, so whether you are an ACE or another Researcher who wishes to be friendly and say Hi to Newcomers, please feel free to use this list.
happy postings.

1) Newcomers 1 to 15

U133405 Christoph the Slayer
U133434 Weird Sister
U133435 Erik Johnsson
U133446 Fizzy
U133457 Jeff
U133466 mjScarab
U133468 filster
U133469 Marty
U133470 Nouvelle
U133478 Arctica
U133480 Snowfox
U133485 babylon
U133488 Zeitgeist
U133489 Vimes

2) Newcomers 15 to 29

U133513 Researcher 133513
U133514 Dak
U133516 Jukes
U133521 Researcher 133521
U133525 Rashmi
U133528 Hagbard the Amateur
U133531 City Clerk
U133532 Researcher 133532
U133539 Moonflux
U133542 Mister Analogy
U133544 mary
U133545 Foxychick
U133559 who else
U133560 CValentine
U133566 Yelbakk

3) Newcomers 30 to 44

U133568 Agrajag
U133571 Ohmygod whoinvitedyou
U133574 Darkwater
U133582 Jay
U133583 PhyreSeed
U133590 Researcher 133590
U133599 explorer 101
U133602 Gabriel
U133609 terminal ray
U133610 Kyle
U133616 Psychotic Monkey Man
U133619 Tjomling
U133624 unem
U133633 Odradek
U133637 Researcher 133637

4) Newcomers 45 to 59

U133647 She-Wanderer
U133648 Researcher 133648
U133656 Researcher 133656
U133657 Rich Loony
U133661 Romeo Monkey
U133672 Trillian
U133680 GJ
U133693 Malc
U133695 dionys
U133701 Researcher 133701
U133702 Raedju
U133704 Researcher 1
U133711 Researcher 133711
U133713 Templar
U133718 chargey

5) Newcomers 60 to 74

U133719 Researcher 133719
U133727 Debauch
U133733 Achilles
U133734 Gonad
U133735 Researcher 133735
U133739 Newstar
U133743 Antoine-le-mag
U133749 Simon
U133753 koyubi
U133754 C.J.
U133757 Prophet
U133762 Researcher 133762
U133776 Orson
U133779 Spreeder
U133786 N2

6) Newcomers 75 to 89

U133791 ^Happy_Cat^
U133797 Maximus
U133800 Ventrical
U133805 James Blonde
U133807 Woodz
U133809 Bahb
U133815 endergone Zwiebelt¸te
U133816 Pen
U133829 mouse
U133830 Still lots to see
U133832 Researcher 133832
U133833 Cryptic Cynic
U133836 Gezuntheit
U133840 the balbulus
U133842 Vilhelm

7) Newcomers 90 to 104

U133844 beeph
U133845 Researcher 133845
U133847 Charlie Croker
U133853 Researcher 133853
U133854 kufena
U133863 ludo
U133867 Barjo
U133872 Leahcim
U133877 Paradigm Paralyser
U133897 Russ
U133899 Spellbinder
U133904 TheRandyMan
U133907 Chastain
U133916 Alex

8) Newcomers 105 to 119

U133917 The Bhagwan
U133923 JustAnotherNumber
U133933 Ad & Trees
U133935 Mart
U133936 Researcher 133936
U133945 The Ferret woman
U133947 Researcher 133947
U133948 OakWyse
U133949 Goldfish Or Clown?
U133953 Researcher 133953
U133955 Researcher 133955
U133979 Researcher 133979
U133985 DewyD
U134005 Mr. Noisy Jewel
U134006 Dan

9) Newcomers 120 to 134

U134018 Researcher redsun
U134019 Wakemeupinanhour
U134023 Puluke
U134025 Arnold
U134026 Ruffo
U134033 Researcher 134033
U134040 Zadig
U134044 AIR-WOLF
U134049 The Dude
U134050 Dauntless
U134054 Nergle Orphatt
U134055 Researcher 134055
U134058 Pure~Shore
U134075 The Lord
U134079 Skylaird

10) Newcomers 135 to 149

U134083 Hamburger Jung
U134085 Bigaxe
U134091 Scobieman
U134094 Researcher 134094
U134106 El Bartos
U134114 Researcher 134114
U134123 Elmar
U134135 Researcher 134135
U134144 Jamage
U134147 boffi
U134163 Monty
U134168 Gridman
U134173 koala2208
U134176 ulysses
U134185 Knut

11) Newcomers 150 to 164

U134187 oje
U134190 Ellemel
U134197 Matt
U134202 lemon
U134203 Max
U134206 LoopY
U134214 Ballade
U134224 swerpy
U134228 Researcher 134228
U134229 Researcher 134229
U134233 Legy
U134245 AJ
U134247 Caledonian
U134249 Researcher 134249
U134252 Mike wooloobooloo

12) Newcomers 165 to 179

U134256 Kalkstein
U134273 Researcher 134273- Sire Dragonous
U134274 Feedback_loop
U134279 Perpugilliam
U134282 Translucent
U134285 Goju
U134289 nohandsman
U134296 Wizard of Oz
U134297 Buttons
U134300 Greebo the Kat
U134317 Gonzo the Eggman
U134318 SeanD
U134323 Cool Penguin
U134330 Mr. X
U134331 icerally

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