Page 2 Newcomers 2nd June 00

1 Conversation

Here is a list of Newcomers to h2g2 who really started living from the week Starting
2nd June 2000
. Mark Moxon has promised that all those listed here have activated their pages, so whether you are an ACE or another Researcher who wishes to be friendly and say Hi to Newcomers, please feel free to use this list.
happy postings.

13) Newcomers 180 to 194

U134338 Sheriff Fatman
U134350 Researcher 134350
U134354 Julius
U134381 Researcher 134381
U134384 Peasman
U134388 Researcher 134388
U134389 Basil Brush
U134390 driverchris
U134395 Hogar
U134401 Crunchysrgreat
U134405 Allankist
U134420 Researcher 134420
U134424 Researcher 134424
U134426 Steev
U134433 uselesstheories

14) Newcomers 195 to 209

U134446 The undead dodo
U134460 Non-Prophet
U134461 The Affs
U134482 Researcher 134482
U134484 Researcher 134484
U134486 Brian
U134500 darsalon
U134502 Researcher 134502
U134511 Eggnog
U134515 Scifictus
U134523 SanSei
U134524 Bigger
U134526 Singe
U134536 Mooju
U134543 Michael

15) Newcomers 210 to 224

U134544 supergrover
U134545 Sir Maximillian Purr
U134551 Cousin
U134565 galzed 134565
U134567 Researcher 134567
U134572 Calvin
U134585 IceSage
U134586 Ian - 134586
U134597 Skan
U134607 Researcher 134607
U134621 Researcher 134621
U134623 Daniel
U134628 Chops
U134637 lonebadger
U134642 ravenwood

16) Newcomers 225 to 239

U134645 Col
U134646 Tewdrig Teithfallt
U134663 Bluefairy
U134671 Nova Cretia
U134673 marsorbust21
U134688 Zico
U134692 Guga9
U134702 Channel Lapdance
U134704 ade3ada
U134707 Ms. Danger
U134710 Andi-Posch
U134711 Niareth
U134721 Mikey Bee
U134736 jack
U134737 GoLong

17) Newcomers 240 to 254

U134760 no worries
U134774 Nyck Jmoe
U134776 Researcher 134776
U134778 Bacchus
U134780 Donna
U134785 heidi
U134786 mcrob
U134794 John
U134796 Kev the Supreme Being
U134814 Eirtas
U134818 ayresy
U134822 Researcher 134822
U134828 Researcher 134828
U134836 ahyesitsihere
U134838 Spam

18) Newcomers 255 to 269

U134842 Fat Cat
U134843 crowley
U134844 Cheeky
U134847 The Dogg
U134853 QuiB
U134854 Mort
U134860 Researcher 134860
U134881 Researcher 134881
U134889 Chris
U134893 thatjonesgirl
U134896 quwerka
U134911 134911 (13 to my friends)
U134913 The Procrastinator
U134914 volks
U134915 Kubulai

19) Newcomers 270 to 284

U134917 Clovis
U134919 Wind in Hair
U134925 Dr. Zarron
U134938 Mick
U134962 Researcher 134962
U134982 Deep Cover
U134984 Aimless_Wanderer
U134991 Sommerspross
U134997 Fluffer
U135000 Comatose
U135001 jah flash
U135002 fish head
U135003 Researcher 135003
U135004 Lunkwill
U135012 The Red Joker

20) Newcomers 285 to 299

U135016 SYLVI!
U135028 Mercutio
U135042 Jesus A la Mode
U135049 drttoldman Researcher 135049
U135055 YoYo
U135059 Red Petals
U135062 NordicBoy
U135076 shokan
U135091 grua
U135092 gumbyman
U135095 Wonko the Sane
U135098 cosmofur
U135102 Wimpy Machoman
U135107 Cravian
U135108 Bas

21) Newcomers 300 to 314

U135117 Azrael
U135124 Han Tolo
U135126 Brown Leather Jacket
U135127 The Doctor
U135129 ~Woody
U135135 Researcher 135135
U135148 Bagpus
U135151 Art
U135153 Bill Door
U135158 DeeMan
U135160 Nikeman[DS][CAPT]
U135161 C 31
U135166 Rio
U135176 Clinti
U135188 Lazza

22) Newcomers 315 to 329

U135193 Researcher 135193
U135199 Bugle
U135204 spacemonkey
U135209 Researcher 135209
U135218 The Little Prince
U135219 Researcher 135219
U135228 Alleycat
U135229 Chuck
U135240 Hille
U135246 Researcher 135246
U135250 Researcher 135250
U135252 Aymon
U135253 The Shadow
U135256 Horus
U135261 HyacinthBucket

23) Newcomers 330 to 344

U135268 Stephen Briody
U135272 King Lerxst
U135292 Ehrine
U135294 Researcher 135294
U135301 Leibniz
U135311 Gus
U135339 ZaleXo
U135340 DonE
U135346 Erbert
U135358 Hyundaish Accent
U135359 Timotheus
U135360 michel
U135368 Terence Roache
U135371 pups
U135386 Researcher 135386

24) Newcomers 345 to 359

U135389 Flinchum
U135390 princss
U135391 edmorrison
U135393 Suntiger Pro
U135402 typhoid
U135436 Prat Jeffley
U135443 Janne
U135444 Spookz
U135448 UweHauck
U135449 pretty_blossom
U135460 Wowbagger

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