Pink Floyd

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Pink Floyd
British Psychedelic/Progressive Rock Group
#18 on VH1's List of 100 Greatest Artists

Roger Waters
Syd Barrett
David Gilmour
Nick Mason
Richard Wright

Piper at the Gates of Dawn
A Saucerful of Secrets
Soundtrack to the Film MORE
Atom Heart Mother
Obscured by Clouds
Dark Side of the Moon
Wish You Were Here
The Wall
The Final Cut
A Momentary Lapse of Reason
The Division Bell
Relics (1969 Compilation)
Works (1977 Compilation)
A Collection of Great Dance Songs (1983 Compilation)
The Delicate Sound of Thunder (1987 Live Album)
P*U*L*S*E (1995 Live Album)
Is There Anybody Out There (1999 Live Album)

Formed in 1965, The Pink Floyd's initial lineup was guitarist Syd Barrett, bassist Roger Waters, keyboardist Rick Wright, and drummer Nick Mason. After two albums and a bout with schizophrenia, Barrett left the group for an unsuccessful solo career and was replaced by David Gilmour, who had recently joined the band as second guitarist. The band made several more albums before hitting it big with Dark Side of the Moon, their 8th studio album, and current record holder for longest run on the Billboard Hot 100. After their album The Wall, which became the 4th Best-Selling album of all time, Rick Wright was thrown out of the band. After the album The Final Cut, Roger Waters left the band to continue to pursue a successful solo career. Gilmour, Wright, and Nick Mason reformed as Pink Floyd in 1986 without Waters and continue to make music.

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