7 habits

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Based on Stephen Covey's hugely successful "Seven Habits of Highly Effective...." series of books, what are the seven habits and how can they be used or recognised, in both home and work environments.

Number 1 - Be Proactive

This habit involves taking responsibility for your own actions. In other words, no blame culture, no "oh it's my parents fault for sending me to boarding school", no "well you started it!", no "I'm just unlucky I guess". Not even "I was abused as a child". Here is where you are now, and any action you take is of your own volition. In a large corporation, there are rules and regulations, but these can mask inefficiencies and out-dated practices if left unchallenged. Responsibility and accountability are key. There is no such word as can't. Do something.

Number 2 - Start with the end in mind.

Have a goal, a vision. Know what sort of family, or home, or lifestyle you'd like. Sales reps put a picture of the yacht or sportscar they desire on the fridge to remind them what they're working towards.

Number 3 - First things first.

A story often used in analogies is of putting big stones and little pebbles into a jar. And of course the solution is to put the biggest rocks in first, and then teh smaller ones will fit around them. Lastly the jar can be filled up with sand. Don't sweat the petty stuff. Prioritisation. Choose your battles. Let go of small irritaitons, don't brood over them or store them up as future ammo.

Number 4 - Seek first to understand

Empathise. Don't assume everyone will think the same way you do. Listen. Have a locus of focus more than 1mm outside your own body - don't live in your own little world. Once you've understood the other's point of view, then you can try to explain your own. A useful way of doing this is to get Person A to repeat Person B's opinions or statements....to Person B's satisfaction in the way it has been expressed.

Number 5 - Win-win

Compromise isn't a dirty word - no ego battles, no asserting authority.

Number 6 - Synergy

Appreciation of differences. You're good at some things, your partner or other family member (or team member) is good at other things. Play to people's strengths. Give compliments and show your appreciation.

Number 7 - Sharpen the saw

Look after yourself. Get enough sleep. Drink more water. Eat a proper breakfast. Read. Chill out, relax, recharge your batteries. Take some exercise, get some fresh air. Aim for 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. Travel, go to the theatre, broaden your horizons and mind.

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