A Conversation for Doughnuts, and other Isle of Wight Delicacies
Ashley Started conversation Jun 10, 2000
This is a great entry - and we will oon, no doubt, have the definitive guide to the Isle of Wight.
Just a couple of suggestions...
You have given a quote, who is the man, we have a name but is there anything else about him?
Can we have a recipe too?
What more can we expect from the IOW - apart from coloured sand?
Bluebottle Posted Jun 10, 2000
You've guessed my plan, DD
You've raised some good points, Crusader, as always, but sadly there's little I can do to further them.
I do not actually know the Isle of Wight Doughnut recipe - I don't have any cookbooks, and am useless at cooking. All I have is the knowledge they existed. As for the quote, that was published in William Long's 1866 Dictionary of the Isle of Wight Dialect, and was one of his examples on how people spoke "IslaWoi", and was something which he had been told the day before and included it in his book, so we don't know anything more about the person.
I could, I guess, include a translation in a footnote - do you think it's easy enough to understand? I have no trouble with it, but then I am used to the dialect!
Ashley Posted Jun 10, 2000
It's easy enough to understand...
Just my journalist eye getting the better of me.
So what else is on te cards....
Bluebottle Posted Jun 10, 2000
Well, next planned is an article on the Island's aviation history, then perhaps how the Island invented the hovercraft in 1959, whatever I feel like really. I guess I should get round to Osborne House and Queen Victoria one day, and I've only written about two villages, none of the towns.
I also want to do about the Victorian Fortifications, but considering they built 30 odd around the Island and mainland, it will end up being in about 5 articles - and the trouble is, no-one has written any books about them. But I will do them.
Oh, and Seawings 2000 and Tall Ships 2000 - 2 of Southampton's big events of the year deserve to be written about.
I'm off to get some nammet. I'll have to re-write the Forest House Pudden bit, I saw - well, I'll do that later.
Catch you!
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