The H2G2 Assassins' Guild Rules And Regulations

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éRules & Regulations In The Assassins' Guildé

Without rules, a guild is nothing. Chaos cannot reign when those with knives are at play. Therefore, take good note of the following, abide by what is said and nobody gets hurt. We really wouldn't like to have to clear up after the inquisition gets hold of you.


This is perhaps one of the most important things. Without continuity everything falls apart. This means that when in one place, you can't suddenly turn up somewhere else, over-hear anything not near you, or suddenly sprout wings and fly away unscathed from 50 bad-guys armed to the teeth with sub machine guns (except in the OOC thread). It's no fun, it spoils the game flow, and will be severely punished. To find out more about continuity please visit HERE.


You must move through each location. You cannot choose to simply disappear from the middle of a lecture in the office, and reappear in a shadowy corner of the common room. Unless the room has secret passages then it simply cannot be done. You also cannot 'pick up' new assassins when they enter the guild. Just because you spoke to them in the sign-up thread does not automatically mean that they can appear near you when they sign up. Every new member must go through the entrance hall.

The Nature Of Free-Will, Being A God, And Role-Play

You are NOT in control of anyone else's movements and reactions. For example, if you throw a knife at someone, it is up to them whether they dodge it or it hits them. For more please refer to HERE.

*Anthea grabs an axe and slices Khamsin in half*

This is not allowed. Khamsin has been given no choice in the matter. (even if we would like it to happen)

*Anthea tries to slice Khamsin in half with an axe*

This is allowed. Khamsin now has the choice of whether the axe hits him and chops him in half, or he doges and it hits some part of furniture.

Just because you are an assassin does not mean that you've been afforded divine power. We do not care that elsewhere you may have magical powers, a winged horse and an all-repelling force shield. In the guild, you do not. There will also be NO Pulling The World From A Hat. This means that when cornered, weaponless, and injured you cannot miraculously find a secret passage to take you away from the battle and your injuries DO actually affect your performance. Try to be realistically unrealistic, you can't always get your own way.

Do not expect to always win and always have everything go your way. The guild is not an excuse for fight after fight after fight. Storyline has to take place too, and if it is introduced you cannot just ignore it. Anyone using the guild for an excuse to bring in off-guild arguments, non-stop fighting, or irrelevant storyline will find themselves in trouble.

Non-Player Characters (NPC)

NPCs are characters who help to keep the storyline moving along. They are also there to serve you drinks, tidy away after parties, curb excess magic in the library and monitor the continuity of the place. Only the guild council can directly control the NPCs. Of course you can speak to them, give them things, or fall over them, but you can't make them do anything personally. A member of the guild council should be around at most times to control these characters, but please be aware of our Real Life commitments.


Movement: To show that you are moving somewhere use *asterisks*, for example:
*Anthea turns at the sound of footsteps behind her and her face flinches in horror as Skenvoy steps round the corner carrying a cup of coffee for her*

Speech: When speaking you do not need to use any marks. Anything without marks will be considered general speech.
If I tell you to talk to him, you talk to him. You don't start QUESTIONING my orders!

Thought: Thought is used when your character is...well thinking something! It can't be heard by other characters, but adds to the story and shows your intent without making you look silly standing in an empty room telling the walls your plans.
*a servant walks through the corridors sweeping the floors in a generally all too happy manor*

~~young people today... I'll show them once I hatch my evil plan~~

*The servant walks away plotting to over through the guild*

Out of Character (OOC): When asking a general question or checking something...or even just laughing at your own wonderfulness, you need to use <    >
<so does anyone know whats going on here? >

éFinal Wordsé

At the end of the day, rules are there to make sure that everyone has fun, knows what they're doing, and stays in character. Make sure you know the rules, don't get upset if someone reminds you of them, and have fun!

Until you meet your end...after all...even guild leaders have to stay in practice!

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