A Conversation for Rats, ways of possibly getting rid of them
Researcher 249619 Started conversation Oct 3, 2003
thanks for the suggestions on the house rat problem. They are running riot (and, i think, having wild parties) at 3 am right over our heads in the roof space! a little off putting to say the least. Any ideas on whether a light put in said loft space might persuade them to move on? I don't really think the neighbours would appreciate Wagner or any other music at that time of night ! and lion dung, the other main recommendation I have come across, might well be more obnoxious than the furry revellers. I dont want to resort to traps, not from a surfeit of softheartedness (although i do like rats, but preferably tame ones) but because they have a habit of pushing things into inaccessible areas as i have found in the garden, and i really don't want a dead rat unreachable in a corner of the eaves.!
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