Shadow Class Centarian Battle Cruiser - Excelsior

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Please note that this stats page is for the Excelsior docked in the Valhalla Space Station


650 m
Top Speed
Cruising Speed
Main Battery
3 Large High-energy Gauss Ion Cannon Turrets1
Secondary Battery
3 Standard Rear-mounted2 Gauss Ion Cannon Turrets3
Tertiary Battery
18 Low-energy Gauss Ion Cannon Terrets4
Fighter Compliment
Omega Class Fighters5
15 Fighters

Other Information

The Excelsior is a fully armed Shadow Class Centarian Battlecruiser that originates from the Alpha/Beta Centari bianary star system. The ship itself is remarkably large for it's status of Battle Cruiser, yet is still not large enough to be a Battleship. The surface of the ship is an empty black color due to the highly efficient power generation systems that use the light energy strikes the surface, making the ship difficult to detect with conventional infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light sensors. The interior of the ship is brightly lit by the light generation systems implanted into the paint on the walls. Compared with the fleetships of many other races the Centarian ship are much more luxurious.

13 Gauss Ion Cannons per turret for a total of 9 high energy Gauss Ion Cannons2not that they only shoot back but that they are all located on the back part of the ship3one Gauss Ion Cannon per turret4one Gauss Ion Cannon per turret5So named because they are in the shape of the greek letter omega

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