A Conversation for The Erie Canal, New York State, USA

On the Er-ie Ca-nal !

Post 1

G Man

Well, it'c coming along nicely....you must get a lot of free time during your long days of hard work smiley - smiley How long is it going to be? smiley - smiley

On the Er-ie Ca-nal !

Post 2

Miss Archy

smiley - smiley Glad you like it so far... it won't be much longer than it is now...I think I'll just add one more section about tourism, and what the canal is like today (it's not very impressive anymore...and yes, it does go through Oneida, well not through the city, but on the outskirts) smiley - smiley Most of what I've written was done at home...I don't want to waste too much time at work - there's so much to do smiley - winkeye

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On the Er-ie Ca-nal !

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