A Conversation for Come Fly Like a Bird
Listen with Bluebird
LL Waz Started conversation Jan 20, 2005
Preferring to see solid ground below when flying is just plain odd !
Flying on instruments is a further step of faith isn't it? You entrust yourself to what starts to feel like a flimsy metal box with wings, to the engine's cogs, valves and washers, and then to a set of electronic switches, dials and needles. But most of all to the air itself.
Waz (foxless this week)
Listen with Bluebird
Blue Bird Posted Jan 21, 2005
Just getting to my PC to respond for issue this week of 1/20/05. Thank you for your attention! Waz:
At this time:
I found the editing a little more out of my line. I don't mind lot of changes in a loose subject like a tell/tale story, a fairy tale and a like,-- but when it coms to aviation than I'd like to stick to my words regarding the content.
This is what I am going to write to the Post team, where my comment belongs.
On the other hand Waz an aircraft and flying with it is so very different that compareson to a ground "crawling" automobil is not there to talk about at the same time in any respect.
Strangley enough flying -- if you know what you are doing--- is safer than driving an automobil in traffic. Because even if you are a good driver you are constantly exposed to the drunken, irrisponsible persons some times just coming against you!
This does not exist in the air!
I liked the new cartoon, fox or no fox, it is very witty, dynamic and colorful.
I don't know exactly what are you referring to with the "blue" object on the right side? The horserider chased a "car" off the road? Give some explaination. If that is the case it is truly understandable that fox-hunting is not for this countery!
Foxes are there by Nature rules. That is an other question when the humans establish chicken farms they would have to secure the "house" for the chickens that the fox does not get in there. Further more if they take the fox's natural hunting territory away, than don't blame the fox having a meal from the chicken farm. Foxes don't eat chickens if they are left alone in there natural habitat!
But fox hunting for fun, that is just a sadistic, sick, childish idea!
This is where JTG is totally in agreement with me! Bbird
Listen with Bluebird
LL Waz Posted Jan 25, 2005
But when you're flying you get silly gooses flying into propellers!
Actually, do you? Or is it just jet engines that birds get sucked into?
Did you see that programme where, was it a microlight plane?, led a flight of cranes/geese to teach them a new migration route? It was lovely to watch. There's a web site about them somewhere.
There are two blue objects on the right side, one's a road sign saying 'one way' and the other's another car which has had to veer off the road to avoid the horse which is being ridden the wrong way up the road.
As happens frequently right outside my house.
Yesterday a slowly driven Mini had to stop to avoid three horses. If it had been one of our village teen racers....
You'll be glad to know no foxes were harmed in the making of any of these three cartoons . Though a few drivers may have had a few heart attacks.
Listen with Bluebird
Blue Bird Posted Jan 26, 2005
Hi there Waz! It is a break in the weather here with a little above freezing and so I was busy doing things (getting out!!) what I can not do during "lock up days = extreme cold!
Now I am back to PC and answer to your reply:
Silly geese ( seagulls mostly here) get sucked in only in jet engine!
But in these days does not happen around here!
Propeller is not attractive. But smaller birds love to stick around planes like we had for other reason. In any small opening (exhaust pipe and other such thing) they are making nest!
Now that is a job to clean that out!
There are all kinds of plug ups on the plane, because they are just so attracted to these "big birds"!!
I wrote to Shazz that after I finish this trip with the first flight to Florida, I am going to handel aviation from travelling as separate issues.
Working on the Web Page thanks to you! I am using Geocities to begin with on free basis.
Had a big work done: all my scanned photos were converted to jpg!
Have an other task ( hate it!! ) To install a new Virus protection for the coming year!
About the cartoons: So that is the way it is there? Just amazing!
Unthinkable such event here! Though there are stables here with fancy horses, riding schools and other activities, but you have to own a huge property to get around to ride. To have a stable here is only for the very very rich!!!
I love all animals. I find a reason for them to live no matter what, but the horse is too big for me, really can hurt you and I would not want to get in close contact in now days!But I love them very much!
Please make more cartoons, because it is fun to see some other kind of happenings based on actual facts! that I am so very busy and PC gets only a fraction from my days! Hear from you soon!
Listen with Bluebird
Blue Bird Posted Jan 28, 2005
Now really HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME: b:
I have a BIG MEA CULPA announcing!
The photos I sent for the last Chapter were from a wrong, semi discarded batch!
I found the good once which are clear, sharp and good in color!
So much for a human! Nobody is perfect, everybody can make mistakes.
But: mistakes are there to be corrected!
At this point I don't know if it would be possible to exchange the photos.?
However: it is OK,---you get the idea anyway! Apologies!
Listen with Bluebird
LL Waz Posted Jan 31, 2005
Hey , I have lost the end of the Polishing thread, and it's too late to go searching for it.
I saw your message on the Community Soapbox Forum (Got to be careful who you might find around those parts!) about Lurking.
Lurking should come with a health warning - it's mind bending and bemusing sometimes. People switch threads in the middle of conversations, threads wander completely off topic then suddenly veer back, people use h2g2 slang, or their own slang...
It can be fascinating too though.
It's a shame about the photos, but they certainly gave an idea.
I'm glad you're getting the web site sorted too, but I should keep that for when In find the polishing thread again. I've changed mine a bit but it's a while since I had time for it - too much UnderGuiding!
Speaking of which I've been saving reading your entries for the illustrated Post versions. But if you ever wanted to do editing type stuff in the AWW just say - it might take some work load away from Shazz.
People are wary of really reviewing pieces in AWW. If someone says what they want when they submit it it helps.
Midnight looms! Hope all's well and you've recovered from your lurking experience. Perhaps a good strong ?
Listen with Bluebird
Blue Bird Posted Feb 11, 2005
It seems I lost this thread!
I wrote Off-line the last time and I am looking for that.
The First flying articles are finished. I printed them and looks very neat when all the parts are together.
I told Shazz--- here is a little intermission at this time. Also I wrote on Notepad and send it to her, because she said it is easier to work with.
What I see now the main issue is about MY ENGLISH. It's OK if my stuff is written over,-- but sometimes I think it is just too much additional work!
I read such english stuff on these pages what is really hard to understand, yet it is OK, because we really speak in many different way the same language.
What ever, want to find the last thread and see more cartoons from you.
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Listen with Bluebird
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