Life -its got lumpy bits

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I think there are some things that should be said to the new entrants to the universe, no matter how weird, wonderful or their number of legs.
Life, some might say, is just one big bowl of porrige. Life, some other people might say, sometimes has small lumps in it. In this porrige we call linear time related events there are a mixture of big and small lumpy, bumpy peices. You can't squish them out because they are an essential part of the mixture. Once you have a lump in your "porrige" it is there forever. You cannot go to the nearest shop on the corner and grab a new instant porrige that suits you better. Your stuck with the porrige you are given with in your bowl. To make the most of these lumpy bulges you need to poor the porrige into something more than a breakfast bowl; more than just its basic standard container that everyone else has. A large wok for instance can be used to cook the porrige. Simmering slowly on medium heat, stiring every 15 minutes, the porrige will buble ever so slowly. Now that you have done that you no longer have porrige, but a really sticky peice of muck that will stick to the container you put it in, mould to it, and cling there for dear life like a Zagrabiun Mothtongure Wilderbeast to its teddy bear.
Enjoy :-)

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