Perennial UK children's TV presenter. Became famous in the late 70's on the 'Multicoloured Swap Shop', a Saturday morning BBC serving, largely involving Noel Edmonds and Maggie Philbin grinning and wearing hideous jumpers. Cheggers' career then took an alarming tangent, co-presenting yet another Saturday morning BBC programme, 'Saturday Superstore', with Mike Read and a daft plastic crow. Cheggers impressed TV bosses so much he landed his own kid's game show, the legendary "Cheggers Plays Pop", a game that was largely useless bar for the exciting bits where the kids got to go on huge inflatable obstacle courses inbetween Yazoo and Kagagoogoo's latest singles.
Thereafter, a messy late 80s/early 90s saw Cheggers washed up, divorced from wife Philbin and largely on the lash, hiding bottles of vodka in trees to avoid detection. However, the last few years have saw something of a Cheggers resurgence, riding the 'naff is good' student craze and has carved stints presenting the Big Breakfast, and, erm....
So.. need a compare for your summer ball? Rolf Harris can't make it? Just call yer man Cheggers...
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