A Conversation for Cartoon Corner

At least there's no traffic

Post 1


This illustrates the very reason I refuse to own one of these infernal devices. They've single handedly destroyed the last bastion of privacy, allowing no escape from the world, stealing those precious moments in which we used to see, feel, taste and explore the world around us.smiley - sadface

Spynxxxsmiley - fullmoon

At least there's no traffic

Post 2

Blue Bird

The cartoon is very colorful, cheerful and the fox is hiding under the bush and that is the best part, because I assume he/she also smiley - laugh at humans.
About the cell-phone? You don't have have one. It is the problem for those people who can not be without in "touch" and it is in style so why not? I don't have one and don't miss it.
But truthfully I thought fox-hunting is out of style. Just some remnance of immature, childish sadism carried over into nowhere but I don't see dogs, and so far is happy ending for the fox.
Good job Waz! smiley - cheers Bluebird smiley - biggrin from this corner. smiley - cool

At least there's no traffic

Post 3

LL Waz

Mobile phones are insidious - hate the fact that you can be rung up while standing on top of a mountain in Spain surrounded by sky and rock with no tarmac in sight.

But - can't deny it's safer. But - before we had them we hardly gave second thoughts to the risks. I dunno.

I was bought one. By those who couldn't handle the engaged (on the internet) tone. I've used it once, when the car stranded me in Wigan. It would have taken longer to sort out travel back home without it. Taken more self suffiency too. Perhaps it's not only privacy they take away.

*wave* from this corner Bluebird smiley - smiley.

Oh, there will be dogs later, but no fox in sight.


At least there's no traffic

Post 4

Sea Change

The US is either more backward, or more commercially driven, because you can't get much of a signal in the mountains north of Los Angeles, nor would you expect to. You *would* expect to see someone hiking along your same route, no matter where you go because the population here is so dense. So there'd be traffic....

Is Europe more densely transmittered, so you really can speak in the Pyrrenes?

At least there's no traffic

Post 5

LL Waz

Ah, don't know. My Spanish mountain was only a small one, very near the coast in Andalucia. You can out of sight of tarmac remarkably quickly there. And spend hours meeting no one smiley - smiley.

Here in the UK I believe it's possible to get a signal on a lot of high ground.

I was told recently that a mobile couldn't be used in a hot air balloon because reception was too good. It picks up too many signals. Doesn't make sense to me but he ran hot air balloon trips commercially so I took his word for it.

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