A Conversation for Come Fly Like a Bird Archive

Thanks to Shazz!

Post 1

Blue Bird

Here I'd like say that Shazz helped me a great deal with the publishing of my story as I became a co-pilot.
Without Shazz the beutiful presentation would not be possible. I know it is not easy to get permission to "illustrate" your text on these pages!
For me it is a great achivement that Shazz did this and also edited my text from a not so good english!

Thank you Shazz and to your helpers! But my gratitude would not be compliete unless I mention the inspiration and encouragement I got from members particularly from LLLWaz!

Hope that this archive will be there for enjoyment for those who will discover the wonderful pages of smiley - thepostsmiley - biggrin Blue bird smiley - biggrin

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Thanks to Shazz!

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