The Rainman Group

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"We conduct ourselves with decorum and respect. Our competitors more resemble a frat party."1 These are the words of Bart Sidewinder CEO of the Rainman Group.

The Rainman Group was founded about 1993 by Rodger Rainman, a Yale graduate with specialization in both Political and Game Theory. When I say Game Theory, I don't mean pong, I mean military startegy. He formed the company after leaving "The Synergy Group" in '92.

The Rainman Group is a think tank with a focus in computer software. Mr. Rainman stepped down as CEO late in 2004, giving the comment of "Myself and the board simply had different views on where the company should go."2. They are situated in the town of Burning Forest and operate in a very professional format. During the early part of 2005 they will be launching their new E-Employee system so they can recruit workers from around the world to assist in their projects.

Since their competition in town, one Wildfire Industries, has been preparing for their own recruiting via an online gaming community, Mr. Sidewinder and his assistant Ms. Felicia Viper have begun doing the same, employing their trademark tatic of taking away Wildfire employees.

All links pertaining to access to this company can be found at my accompanying entry about Wildfire Industries.
1Press conference Dec. 15 20052From an e-mail interview.

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