Wildfire Industries

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A new company has sprung up on the internet in the last few weeks. This most wholely unconventional business goes by the name of Wildfire Industries. The first clue that this company is obscure is that they are run by a former pro skateboarder, one Delton Wildfire. His provocative sister Deltina runs the PR department, which is why many males are applying at any time. Deltion, their samurai brother, is the head of security and Delton's personal body guard. Now the main person interacting with people online is Delton's fiance, Seraphina Angela, although everyone(even herself) refer to her as Sera Wildfire. They even have a mini Wildfire, Deltina has adopted a young girl they named Deltonia (getting confused yet?).

Now, it seems Deltonia's only form of communication is through drawings, mostly in a pictonary system. I'd give you the links to this but Delton has gotten an online gameing comunity working on it. Check the references at the side.

Now back on topic. The Wildfire building is in the town of Burning Forest, and rises over 70 floors high. In fact on the 73rd floor is a "Black Hole To Somewhere". It goes from floor 73 all the way down to the parking lot, kinda like an express elevator straight down. Heck, floors 30 throught to 40 includea golf course through the work areas, 5 stroke penalty for hitting a desk, 10 going out a window.

That sould give you a good idea of how the company works, I'll add some more info at a later date.

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