A Conversation for Experiences of a Fatal MVA Prosecution (UG)

Very sad

Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

This is very well written, but is a very sad story. No one won in this situation - it seems very likely to me that Tony did have a problem with sleep disorders, and this is something that truckers and bus drivers often experience. In fact, this sort of thing probably happens far more than is realised, for that very reason.

Very sad

Post 2


Yes i guess it was not a win situation for either of the families. I do not understand how somebody can just write this story on here though considering im sure they must have thought about peoples privacy. Hi, my name is Natalie and i am now 17 years old - eleven at the time. I happened to come across this article while studying for my HSC. It feels rather weird to read what happened from somebody else's point of view... yet very hurtfull as well. How ironic though. I never knew that the court was held on his birthday. I had many psychologist and doctors appointments... one of which was on my birthday last year. So i guess that wasnt nice either, especially when having to explain the story all over again. Oh well, interesting read... very well written.

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