A Conversation for Midges

midge attacks

Post 1


One thing seems to be omitted from this piece and that is the fact that they attack in vast numbers.
And I mean vast, people sorry enough to encoumter these little devils often remark on being caught in" a cloud
of midges" or "they were everywhere I couldn't get away".This is basically because they work as swarms
and believe me for every ten thousand you think you've killed their relatives seem to take it personally
and come after you.Their bites are also most irratating and as far as I'm concerned there is nothing
on the market to keep them away.The best way not to get bitten by a midge is not to come to Scotland
which is a pity because it is a beautiful place,if you do come however please heed this advice.
1st;Don't tempt fate if there is no wind there will be midges so no short sleeves or shorts.

2nd;It may look stupid but one of those funny hat things with a "midge net" built in may not do much
for style points but it does mean you won't be trying to scratch your head off especially if you have long hair.

3rd;If you are camping and you've been outside brush yourself down before getting in,if not the little buggers
will spend all night breeding and you will wake up with midges having you for breakfast.

4th;Don't bother with cream prevention it dosn't work your best bet is to find agood soothing cream
and if it's really bad anti hystameen tablets.

5th;There are times the midges like to party it depends on the time of year but try to suss out yer midge
and avoid being out at these times.

So if that hasn't put you of coming to Scotland,which I hope it hasn't,then either stay in a town,camp where
it's breezy or be prepared cos you can bet they are.

Footnote;it's only the females that bite ain't that the way of it

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midge attacks

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