Karaoke Definition

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Karaoke is an entertainment concept where participants sing into a microphone accompanied by pre-recorded music. This results in a sound that can range from the sublime to an ear-wrenching noise that cocktail waitresses have described as, "Similar to having your brain operated on by a road-crew."
The noise has been known to cause large, hairy bartenders to go into the fetal position, suck their thumbs and cry for their mothers.

The craze originated Japan in the late 1980's, swiftly spread throughout the east and arrived in California, USA.
Predicted as a "temporary fad" by musicians who feared competition, karaoke is still as strong as ever and...most venues are also hiring live musicians to offset structural damage to their buildings.
The name "karaoke" is derived from the Japanese, "kara" meaning "empty" or "open".
Example: "karate", "Te" is Japanese for "hand". "Karate means, "empty (or open) hand".
"Oke" is a Japanese nickname for "orchestra".
The term, "karaoke" is Japanese for "Empty (or open) Orchestra."

Never let a karaoke addict study karate.

Karaoke also gave rise to the Japanese term, "Urusai, Kono Bakayaro!" (A true translation: Shut up you noisy idiot.)

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