A Conversation for A game for four


Post 1

simply scruff singing a rainbow

i've just realised how bloody hard it is to read. I copied it straight from word and the stage directions aren't in italics anymore.

scruff x


Post 2

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

I know the feeling - my story was killed when that happened. But yours has come out fine.

In fact, I think it's brilliantly written. So the italics don't matter.
I hope you don't mind me reading your story - I saw some of your other stuff quite a while back on Get Writing and was suitably impressed.
I liked the way you used fairytale characters who had "grown older and more complicated with her" (sorry - the quote's wrong, I know, but I don't have the story in front of me...smiley - sorry). It shows that how what is seen as perfect when a child, becomes distorted as that person ages and begins to realise that everything is flawed and that there is no such thing as perfection. These characters give insight into Sophie's mind, and her personality, albeit her personality within.
The way you used the game of Scrabble as the way for her to say goodbye to these other players in her life was particularly effective as it shows that what has been keeping the characters there, she now uses to let them go. Very nice touch.

smiley - applause Brilliantly written!


Post 3

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

smiley - erm
Reading that over it sounds a bit arb...smiley - sorry
If I've missed the mark with anything I've said, let me know...


Post 4

simply scruff singing a rainbow

lol no you've got it exactly right thank you so much! It's about a friend of mine who lost her mother. It's what I always imagined it to be like inside her head because many times when I spoke to her she seemed 'somewhere else' this is where I imagined she was.

Wow I'm really impressed you trawled through it after all the italics etc were lost. do you have any stuff to share? *runs to your page to take a look*

scruff x


Post 5

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

smiley - erm
My story was killed by lack of italics... I could email it to you in the proper format if you'd like?


Post 6

simply scruff singing a rainbow

yeah do it smiley - smiley [email protected]
that's the only problem with copy and paste (and being lazy) it quite successfully f*cks things up alot of the time.

scruff x


Post 7

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

Ok, I'll do it tomoz when I'm at work -I'll have more time there!smiley - laugh


Post 8

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

Sorry - lost this in the blog...smiley - erm

Will get emailing soon...

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